
Welcome to the blog for my Spain summer! My goal is not to be a comedian and write the wittiest posts or a journalist and report on events, but I am hoping to use this blog quite faithfully so it is 1) an electronic journal for my personal benefit and 2) a way to communicate my adventures to friends and family back home. Throughout my experiences staying with a host family, working for a Spanish company, taking classes at the University, befriending Spaniards, and venturing abroad I am sure I will have some stories to tell. Please feel free to read, comment, or email me. I would love for you to come along for the ride!

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Producing Results

Tuesday 6/7 - Thursday 6/9

Before I went to work I had a little discussion with mamá.  She saw I stayed up late the night before in the living room and said that I can’t be using that much electricity with the light on so I needed to go to bed by 1.  Also, she said sitting at a computer that long would hurt my eyes and my back.  It’s strange that all the reprimands I have gotten from my mamá have come because I was using too much electricity.  At work I made all the changes the boss suggested and I would say it definitely looked better.  After work I met David and Pepi and we watched “The Invention of Lies” in Spanish with English subtitles.  I recommend the movie, but prolly not in Spanish.  That night we went out on the town and had another good ole’ time in Alicante. 

I find it strange now that before the trip I was nervous to go to this new country and live and work speaking only Spanish.  Now it seems so natural and routine.  It’s kinda similar to how I felt before Summer Welcome last summer when I was anxious about the prospect of having to introduce hundreds of freshman to Mizzou each day.  I have come to realize that as long as you ‘just do it’ you will be fine.  But the key is taking yourself out of your comfort zone so you have no other option, no safety net.  Then you have no choice, but to give it your best and see what happens.

The outside of the first version of the brochure I made.  It's a tri-fold.  I changed the logo a bit and the boss still has to get used to it he said, but he said it's not bad.

The content of the inside changed for each type of client.

The revised copy.

Today was definitely the toughest time I’ve had at work.  It was mainly because I finished my 5 brochures and was waiting on material from the boss (He’s very busy so I always feel like I’m hassling him when I ask him for something and it takes some time to get stuff) for a 6th so I didn’t have much to do.  I’m definitely more fulfilled when I am busy and when I’m supposed to be working, but am just idling I get frustrated that I’m not productive.  The workday definitely dragged.  Near the end I was able to start writing descriptions of service for the English website and inserting them into the correct spot, but I kinda felt unqualified because I was having to describe how they could help their clients with stuff like mixing/mastering and audiodescription and I barely knew what that was.  Hopefully they don’t end up having to rewrite the whole bunch.

In the evening I met up with Quinten and Allen to buy the bus tickets to Granada at the bus station and then I walked down to the beach.  I knew no one there and the v-ball court was empty for once, so I just sat on a bench and read the last of my book, the Screwtape Letters.  A very interesting read from the mind of CS Lewis and I highly recommend it.  On my way back home I took a new route and ended up finding an art gallery, a Museum of Water (whatever that means, I’m gonna visit it later and see) and explored this beautiful park at the base of the Castle of Santa Barbara.  There were some great views of the city and the weather was a beautiful 74ish degrees (22 Celsius).  I did see a lot of stray cats in the bushes wish always freaked me out.  That night National Treasure was on tv, but I tried to tune it out and get some work done on my computer (but Nicholas Cage is just such an riveting actor! Haha).  I have no problem with Cage, but I know a lot of people who do.  He’s kinda the Nickelback of actors (again I have no problem with them, but some people would brand me with the black mark for saying that).  Sometimes I think people are more jealous than anything that someone can be of average talent and have so much fame.  I know I can feel that way sometimes.  It’s kinda like what CS Lewis was saying about how we are using the idea democracy to mean everyone is equal and say ‘I’m as good as you.’  Then we try to reach that result by propping up some people and holding back others.

It’s surprising what an adequate night of sleep can do to your mood in the morning.  However, I was frustrated again at work when I was struggling to find ways to be productive.  I broke up the day when I went to breakfast with Jose and Erica.  I have tried a new drink everyday (because I’m never hungry) and very soon I will have experienced the whole menu.  Then came lunch and siesta.  I've been struggling with whether I like sleeping for an hour after lunch or not because I'm always so groggy afterwards, but lately I've been trying to catch up on rest.  A nap always seems like such a great idea when you are anticipating it! By the end of the day I had all the materials to work on the final brochure for Lucentum Digital’s Dubbing School of Alicante so I was happy. 

I went straight from work with David to his house and met Pepi.  Then we walked around town stopping in different stores to buy special gluten-free food for Pepi and pointing out different things to discuss them in Spanish and English.  One interesting thing I learned that instead of calling people who get really sunburnt lobsters (langosta) they call them shrimp (gamba).  Another is that the human body temperature in Celsius is 33.5 degrees.

I’m getting packed for Granada tonight and then leaving bright and early tomorrow morning to catch the train at 8.  The next post won’t be until I get back on Sunday.  I have heard so many great things about Granada, I’m really excited to check it out.

Hasta Luego,

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