
Welcome to the blog for my Spain summer! My goal is not to be a comedian and write the wittiest posts or a journalist and report on events, but I am hoping to use this blog quite faithfully so it is 1) an electronic journal for my personal benefit and 2) a way to communicate my adventures to friends and family back home. Throughout my experiences staying with a host family, working for a Spanish company, taking classes at the University, befriending Spaniards, and venturing abroad I am sure I will have some stories to tell. Please feel free to read, comment, or email me. I would love for you to come along for the ride!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011


Hey Everyone,

As you can tell I'm not doing very well at keeping up with my blogging.  I have two full weeks worth of adventures to chronicle for you all!  Unfortunately I have been under a huge time crunch lately and cannot do my blogs justice at this point.  At the moment, I'm busy with writing final papers and exams for my class and preparing for my trip to Italy which starts when I leave Spain tomorrow evening! I won't take my computer.

The point is I will not have time to blog until I return home, but I still plan on getting everything in here.  I will try to let you know when I finish posting everything so you can read up if you're interested.

Hasta Luego,

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